Learn. Play. Launch the Next Great Startup!
If business were a game, could you win?
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If you traveled back in time and founded Uber, what would you do differently? What choices would you change? At Infinitum, we don’t do time travel, but in our Entrepreneur Experience we DO put you in the driver’s seat of the world’s biggest startups.
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Dive into our online training environment to get hands-on experience as a fast-growth startup Founder.
Learn from history. Each scenario is based on case studies of real events as they played out for the original company founder(s).
Get insights directly from top entrepreneurs and professors of major universities without dropping six-figures on college.
Work through real-world startup scenarios, make decisions as a leader, and reap the rewards and learn how you can get better.
Infinitum’s Entrepreneur Experience simulates a fast-growth startup without the risks. Make choices. Get results. Join now before spaces run out.
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What it Takes to Start a Business!
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